Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Today is Tuesday!  The house is pretty much decorated, just have to maintain the cleaning, and start COOKING!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

You may have noticed - all text and no pictures . . . .  N2 has been playing with my camera and I take it back from him and hide it so he can't mess with it - and then forget where I put it . . . also - when we came back from WA this summer, I had my battery charger, user manual, and connect-the-camera-to-the-computer cord all together in a baggie - that I put 'safely' away.  Now it looks like 'safely' away = lost!!!!  Wouldn't it be cool if I could just inexpensively replace those items?  Quickly.  But no - first I have to find the camera and then order parts over the Internet, and by then it will be the 5/6 the cost of replacing the camera. . . . or I could upgrade . . . yeah . . .  a new, better camera . . .  oooohhhhh Santa . . . .
Our Thanksgiving Menu

Blue Cheese Pecan Dip with Assorted Veggies and Fruits

Main Course
Roast Turkey with Gravy
  and Cranberry Sauce

Side Dishes
Lemony, Garlic Green Beans
Corn Cream Cheese Casserole
Mashed Potatoes
Creamed Onions
Relish Dish
Rolls with Butter

Carmel Apple Pie
Vanilla Ice Cream
Pumpkin Gingerbread Trifle

Cranberry Juice
Apple Juice

Our Guests
The Maxcey Family - formerly of Houston, Texas, USA

What am I doing today?  well, we have been going to a church I really like, but that N1 doesn't - there are no other children there his age, so I have been church hunting - but I think I'll be putting that on hold for a while - maybe picking up with it next year.  So, what am I going to do today?  Go to church, go grocery shopping, come home and put up our Thanksgiving decorations (my mom just sent us a bunch!).  Then the rest of the week - cooking and cleaning.  And if there is any spare time - I'll be writing Christmas cards!!!!  How about you?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Today: G goes to work at Nanalysis, N1 goes to his Starting Points class at St. Bede, N2 goes to pre-school and I clean house!  Pop in  some laundry, a book on tape and take down Halloween decorations and clean, organize and maybe bake something . . . ?  We are having the MOMS Club over this afternoon for a planning meeting - have company - best way I've found to clean house!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I really want to do this - I really want to keep a blog - I read this other blog, Sunny Side Up, and she keeps her blog as a family scrapbook - and I want to do the same thing - but there is so much yet to learn!!! Like inserting photos in the right places - stuff like that . . .  and logging in becomes tricky, because my email address has changed since I started the blog . . . . so, trying to figure out how to change that - the more I write the more I realize I am so much more verbal than anything - so this is such a good exercise for me!!!   But - for heavens sake - I have a very expensive private women's university education - I'm a Hollins Girl - so I can so figure this out!!!  Just watch me.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

All righty - 9 months!!!! it has been 9 months since I last posted on this blog, and by now, all 6 of my subscribers have moved on and have given up hope of ever hearing anything about us again!  Well, my new goal is to be a better correspondent.  I can do this.  Lots of folk do, and I can too -  it is a GREAT way to keep family and friends informed about our lives and how we are doing.
So, I am resolved and determined to master this!!!!
I'm not going to promise every day, but maybe 3 times a week at least a lot more than once every 9 months!!!